A service of Delaware County Commissioners, Auditor, EMA, Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement

The Delaware County Special Needs Registry is a service offered to residents of Delaware County, Ohio.  It is designed to help first responders assist residents with special functional needs in the event of a disaster or an emergency.
Who is considered special needs?

  • Anyone requiring special medical assistance
  • Anyone requiring life sustaining equipment, ventilator or oxygen
  • Anyone requiring enhanced care and assistance with daily living activities
  • Anyone requiring assistance with mobility due to illness or injury that is unable to evacuate their residence in the event of an emergency
  • Individuals who have cognitive or mental health impairments
  • Individuals who have hearing, speech impairment, including those who have limited English proficiency

The information collected will not be available to the public, and is protected by HIPAA privacy rules. It will only be shared with emergency response agencies to improve their ability to serve.


Delaware County Special Needs Registry Update – Summer 2021: With updates to technology, the Delaware County Special Needs Registry will now be administered by your local fire and EMS agencies. The Delaware County Office of Homeland Security will no longer administer it. If you would like to register, or have questions on the program, please contact your local department representative below:

Department Name E-Mail Phone
Berlin Township Fire Joe Pichert jpichert@berlintwp.us 740-548-6031
BST&G Fire Chris Kovach ckovach@bstgfire.org 740-965-3841
City of Delaware Fire Alan Matteson AMatteson@delawareohio.net 740-203-1300
Concord Township Fire Micah Werling mwerling@concordtwp.org 740-881-5997
Delaware County EMS Jen Cochran JCochran@co.delaware.oh.us 740-833-2194
Elm Valley Fire Amy Ritter/Kevin George amy.ritter@elmvalleyfire.com; chiefgeorge@elmvalleyfire.com 740-747-2510
Genoa Township Fire Brady Johnson bjohnson@genoatwp.com 614-568-2040
Harlem Township Fire Keith Unterbrink kunterbrink@harlemtwp.com 740-965-2661
Liberty Township Fire C. Clark cclark@libertytwp.org 740-938-2021
Orange Township Fire Robert Hager AHager@orangetwp.org 740-548-6346
Porter-Kingston Fire Pete Isbell peter.isbell@pkfd.org 740-5245050
Radnor Township Fire Randy Butts rfdchief431@yahoo.com 740-595-3623
Scioto Township Fire Jack Guyton Fsi371.guyton@gmail.com 740-666-2121
Tri-Township Fire Ben Bradford bbradford@tritwp.org 740-369-2703

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There is no substitute for personal preparation. In a disaster, government and other agencies may not be able to meet your needs. It is important for all residents to make individual plans and preparations for their care and safety in an emergency.

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