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You can put emphasis on some part of your text inside a paragraph. There is two types of emphasis: normal emphasis and strong emphasis. One most websites, emphasis is shown as italic while strong emphasis is bold.

To give emphasis to some text with markdown, we use asterisks (*) or underscores (_). Surrounding some text with one asterisk or one underscore bar gives normal emphasis, while surrounding some text with two asterisks or two underscores results in strong emphasis:


*normal emphasis with asterisks*

_normal emphasis with underscore_

**strong emphasis with asterisks**

__strong emphasis with underscore__

This is some text *emphasized* with asterisks.


normal emphasis with asterisks

normal emphasis with underscore

strong emphasis with asterisks

strong emphasis with underscore

This is some text emphasized with asterisks.

Please note that there is absolutely no difference between using underscore and asterisks: both give exactly the same result. Choose the one you are the most comfortable with.

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