Open the project Tracking.mxd map file.
Start an edit session on G:\MASTER\TRAKiT\TRAKiT.gdb
If the project boundaries follow a parcel boundary copy and paste the shape from the parcel layer into the Project Tracking layer. If the boundary is not available in any other layer use the Create Features tool and select SAN-DRAFT to indicate you are creating a rough sketch of the project boundary.
Fill in the Shape Description with the project name, Usershape Delco ID is the project number in TRAKiT, USERSHAEPTYPE should be SAN if it is not already filled in with SAN-DRAFT, Put your time in the CREATED_BY.
Calculated the Latitude and Longitude of the centroid of the shape using the Geometry calculator.
Export only the new shapes to a shapefile. Zip this file into and upload to ArcGIS Online.